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« The Frailty of Life... | Main | Merry Christmas! »

December 09, 2007



Buzz, that was lovely. Thank you for sharing those memories.

Robert Scoble

I'll miss him too. He was a great person and one that I'd like to be more like.

Joe Begalla

Buzz: You introduced me to Marc over the phone almost three years ago. Since then, I have had 5 or 6 phone chats with him, and a number of Skype conversations. Marc was one of those life-enhancing individuals who was always available, was open and friendly, and was enormously helpful. Although I never met Marc personally, I felt that he was indeed my friend. I, too, will miss him...and I thank you for being the link that got me to know him as I did.

Jim Bruggeman

At the expense of seeming tendencious, Buzz's heartfelt eulogy points up something that Tony Judt in his article "The Wrecking Ball of Innovation" (New York Review of Books, Volume 54, Number 19 · December 6, 2007 - it's on the web) astutely illuminates. We are not just self-interested actors on the stage of free markets - whether for media technology or pork bellies - but rather tied together by a range of very human, warm and heartfelt, non-market relationships (and non-market institutions)that is being undermined by the market itself. Judt point it better than I ever could:

"The market requires norms, habits, and "sentiments" external to itself to hold it together, to ensure the very political stability that capitalism needs in order to thrive. But it also tends to corrode those same practices and sentiments. This much has long been clear.[10] The benign "invisible hand"—the unregulated free market—may have been a favorable inaugural condition for commercial societies. But it cannot reproduce the noncommercial institutions and relations—of cohesion, trust, custom, restraint, obligation, morality, authority—that it inherited and which the pursuit of individual economic self-interest tends to undermine rather than reinforce.[11] For similar reasons, the relationship between capitalism and democracy (or capitalism and political freedom) should not be taken for granted: see China, Russia, and perhaps even Singapore today. Efficiency, growth, and profit may not always be a precondition or even a consequence of democracy so much as a substitute for it.

If modern democracies are to survive the shock of Reich's [Judt's review is of Reich's new book] "supercapitalism," they need to be bound by something more than the pursuit of private economic advantage, particularly when the latter accrues to ever fewer beneficiaries: the idea of a society held together by pecuniary interests alone is, in Mill's words, "essentially repulsive." A civilized society requires more than self-interest, whether deluded or enlightened, for its shared narrative of purpose. "The greatest asset of public action is its ability to satisfy vaguely felt needs for higher purpose in the lives of men and women."

Philip Ferris

Thank you so much for what you have written, it shows the love and respect you had for Marc and captures succinctly much of what I have read elsewhere.

I only exchanged a few emails with Marc but I followed his podcasting and blogging and know how much he will be missed both as a human being and the most generous contributor to the Tech and productivity worlds.

Bryan Zug

Thanks for the thoughtful reflection on your friend, Buzz. I never had a chance to meet Marc, but the picture you share of your friendship with him is a gem of an image.

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