There was a very funny part of the movie that I meant to also comment on.
Early in the movie you hear the signature ring of the Palm Treo. About 4 people around me, and yours truly were immediately scrambling to turn off their phones until they realized that the ringing was come from the screen.
I am sure we all felt a little like geek jerks, but were all also happy to make sure that our phones were off!
My pal Andrew Carton has commented on his Treonaut’s blog about the product placement, which was fun to both see and read about.
Just remember before you go too far this blog business, Someone Else will have the last word:
“You kids behave or I'm turning this universe around RIGHT NOW!”
– God
Spare Parts Nelson
Ericksburg, MN
Posted by: Spare Parts Nelson | November 18, 2006 at 04:29 PM