It’s show time here at AlwaysOn 2006 ( and really hot…)…I am sitting in the Blogger Bull Pen with my lovely pal Denise Howell. Tony Perkins on stage, just did a Steve Ballmer video on YouTube..and having seen Steve at the Microsoft WPC, I can tell you Steve has some serious energy. Apparently there was a golf tournament earlier today, and an Audi sponsored a hole in one contest, a guy made a hole in one, just on the wrong hole. He apparently gets a year full of free brochures.
Factoid…62% of the content consumed by teenagers is produced by someone that teenager’s know. Slide on the screen showing the cost of starting an Internet company. Boy have times changed, and have costs dropped. Google cost $50 million to start, MySpace less than $20 million.
“Greatest time to be an entrepreneur is after the bubble burst…” Tony Perkins … AO100, more new companies landed than new companies graduated up.
Next up is Tom Byers of the Stanford Technology Venture Program. Tom is interviewing John Hennessy..President of Stanford University. Favorite story of Hennessy, when he saw the first prototype of Yahoo. Big problem per Hennessy is the lack of ease of use of computers…I need to show him ActiveWords!
Hennessy is a bright guy, and if I were 18…my two choices for college would be Duke and Stanford. It just doesn’t get much better than these two places. I am obviously biased, but great Universities…