Off we go, into the wild blue yonder….We just flew around Mt.Ranier. On the SW side, we could see from the plane a group of climbers. Pictures to come.
One of the add-ons will be live T-V. 100 Cities served, first journalists to preview live T-V..service, coming tomorrow from Singapore Airlines.
Another technolgy that Boeing is testing is “Private Voice, which will easily allow pilots to communicate with their operations center.
Just flew by Mt. Adams. I need to find it on the map.
Pico Cell installed on this plane, ability to use Pico Cell technololgy to allow consumers to use Cell phones on the plane. In-cabin social issues are a big deal. Query whether voice or data will be a bigger deal.
I am about to get password and username. Out my window is the western arid part of Washington, and perhaps the Columbia River. Hard to imagine that 150 years ago, people were walking West on a day like today, while we are flying in this elegant airplane with WiFi. Yup, it is the Columbia. Coming up on 200 years of Lewis & Clark. One wonders what they might say if they saw this plane. And would they marvel at the ability to communicate.
Tonight at 9 P.M. EDT, George Bush is to announce a new Supreme Court nominee. Just before I got on the plane I was sitting in a Starbucks and I got a Skype call from a friend who told me that Edith Clement of the 5th Circuit in New Orleans was headed to Washington. I met her briefly once, no impression of her one way or another.
I was just on Skype with my friend Jeremy Wagstaff of the Asian WSJ…Then I called Ernie Svenson of ErnietheAttorney fame. Ernie was at a Technology Meet at the House of Blues. Skype works perfectly! E-Mail works perfectly. Now the test will be to post this, and see my blog.