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August 16, 2004


Richard Callaby

I am also in Florida and I know what you mean about ICE. ICE is by far the least thought of commodity when you think of disasters but it is one of the most important commodities. I am also blogging my experiences with this hurricane as I signed up to help rebuild people's homes in the area as soon as we get the supplies. I will be down in the Arcadia and Wachula areas which do not get any news coverage so I will cover that area with my blog and digitial camera if needed. Now because they have such a lower population they might take even longer to get power than Orlando. However i did see an army of workers trying to restore power in the area. Trouble is when I was driving I had no choice but to drive over downed power lines. It was a bit scary but fortunately they were not juiced up. otherwise I would not be posting this.

Keep up the good work in keeping the rest of America informed and if you really want ot relax go down to Tampa where their is plenty of power, food, ICE, shelter, etc.

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